Monday, July 25, 2005

Walk of Shame

Is it a walk of shame when you don’t even hook up?

Well, I again felt the need to party until 9 in the morning Saturday. I actually met a lot of cool people at that hour. Although I suppose after drinking all night everyone seems witty and bright. Anyhow, one of the guys at the party lived a few block from me so I got a ride home with him. Nice guy, not in the creepy I will give you a ride home kind of way. Anyhow, I didn’t want to make him drive me all the way home so I said I would walk the rest of the way from his house. I was wearing a strapless corset-style top and stiletto heels. Do you think anyone thought I was just going grocery shopping or out for a run? I felt really badly watching all the people that were waking up and starting their day. Just when I though it couldn’t get worse a group of guys at a stoplight as I was crossing the street starting cheering. I am guessing they didn’t think I was going to the grocery store….

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Winking Lizard in Lakewood Crossed off My List

I really enjoy the Winking Lizard in Lakewood. It, however, has been crossed off my list. Not because I got drunk using their wireless internet to upload pictures and made an ass out of myself there on Friday. Instead it was my antics on Saturday, downtown that did me in. It is really too bad. Perhaps after a few weeks I may return. You just never know how these things work out.