Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Ms. Train Wreck is Superior but is David Sedaris

I don’t have wisdom teeth. I haven’t had them removed either. I just never got them. My dentist back in B-lo told me I was superior because of it. A product of superior evolution I suppose. She went on to tell me that I should tell people that. I have mentioned it a few times but until now had forgotten about it.

As a child my grandparents would drive my sister and me to FL to see my mother. We would listen to NPR the entire way. I hated it as a child because I just couldn’t understand why we couldn’t listen to Def Leppard. I regress. I vividly remember listening to The Santaland Diaries and being mildly amused. Mildly amused only because I was a teenager at the time and that was all I could muster.

I have since become a David Sedaris groupie and have now seen him twice and had him sign books for me twice. I saw David Sedaris last week at Joseph Beth Bookstore. I had trouble finding a book for him to sign as most of my books are packed away. I madly searched my bookshelves and found Barrel Fever. An old BF had lent it to me to read. Thanks JC – if you need it back I will buy you a new one but you may not have yours back.

Anyhow, David was talking about the superiority he feels when completing a New York Times crossword puzzle and I wondered if that was the same sort of superiority that I have, never having had my wisdom teeth come in.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

For being so superior you failed to notice that you spelled Def Leppard wrong. Apparently genetic advancement and increased intelligence have no correlation.

7:39 AM  
Blogger The Odds of a Train Wreck said...

I appreciate your correction! The 80's were a long time ago and I apparently have purged many of those memories from my brain.

10:24 AM  

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