Friday, September 10, 2004

Decisions, Decisions

Which would you rather have: sex with a condom or no sex at all? Really think about it though - you are in bed, no clothes on and you are ready to go (RTG). She says she’s not on the pill and gives you a condom; do you really say no? I choose sex. Sex with a condom doesn’t change a whole lot for girls. It wouldn’t deter me in the least, as can be seen by the infamous box under my bed that is always full of condoms, just in case. I have been turned down before, by a law school hottie. He actually turned me down twice, not in the same night but - to add insult to injury - on two separate occasions. I remember thinking, "are you f*cking kidding me?" I didn’t bring you home and get you in my bed to have this issue be the breaking point.

Now I know what you are thinking, you are probably thinking there must be something wrong with me - and that may be true, however, from talking to many of my male friends I understand that men will sleep with anything as long as no one finds out. (No offense to guys but I have heard guys will go home with a fat chick as long as no one sees - fat a** is better than no a**). So, the only logical conclusion is that men really don’t like condoms. I don’t get it. Why is it such a big deal?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Different strokes I think. My wife was the one who didn't care for the condems; I was indifferent. (I'm still with my wife, but I say 'was' because it no longer matters ;) )

4:06 PM  

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